Analysis of the Relationship Between Two Quantitative Variables | Correlation

Fahim Ahmad | 2020-06-26


In recent posts, we discussed measures of central tendency and measures of dispersion. But hey, that is the start of a long journey. Finding relationships between variables is more interesting than describing the distribution of the data.

While studying, for example, the relationship between GDP and life expectancy, you might be interested to know whether there exists any relationship between the two indicators? is it a positive relationship or a negative relationship? and how strong the association is?

The above questions can be answered by computing the correlation coefficient between the two indicators. Depending on the type of data, different methods of correlation exist. In this post, you will learn the Pearson correlation coefficient and the Spearman correlation coefficient.

Pearson Correlation

Pearson correlation is a parametric correlation test that measures the strength and direction of a linear relationship between two variables. This method is by far the most used and best method for calculating the association between variables that follow a normal distribution.

If the two variables are denoted by x and y, the Pearson correlation coefficient is defined as the ratio of covariance between x and y to the product of standard deviation of x and standard deviation of y.

\[r = (Covariance (x,y)) \space/\space (S.D.(x)×S.D.(y))\] Where,

\[{Covariance(x,y) = \frac{∑^n_{i=1}(x_i-\bar{x})(y_i-\bar{y})}{\ {n-1}}}\]

\[{S.D.(x) = \sqrt\frac{∑^n_{i=1}(x_i-\bar{x})^2}{\ {n-1}}}\]

\[{S.D.(y) = \sqrt\frac{∑^n_{i=1}(y_i-\bar{y})^2}{\ {n-1}}}\]

Spearman Rank Correlation

While the Pearson correlation is used to compute the degree of relationship between linearly related variables, the Spearman correlation indicates the monotonic relationship. The Pearson correlation is more appropriate for continuous data such as income, age, and height, while Spearman is more appropriate for ordinal data such as level of satisfaction, or level of happiness measured on a scale of 1 to 4.

In other words, the Pearson correlation is used to compute the extent of association when there is an equal interval between the adjacent units of the input variables. For instance, an increase in income from 100 to 101 is equal to the increase from 500 to 501 or an increase in age from 18 to 19 is same as an increase in 38 to 39, while the Spearman correlation is widely used with the ordinal data such that one level can be considered higher or lower than another level, but the magnitude of the difference is not necessarily known or the same. For instance, “Strong satisfaction” is higher than the “Somewhat satisfaction” and “Somewhat dissatisfaction” is higher than “Strong dissatisfaction”. However, it can not be quantified how much higher/lower is one level compared to the other level.

Moreover, since the Spearman correlation is based on the ranked values rather than the raw data and does not carry any assumption about the distribution of the data points, it can be used to measure the association between two continuous variables as well when the data are not distributed normally.

The Spearman ranked correlation can be expressed as follow:

\[rho = (Covariance (x',y')) \space/\space (S.D.(x')×S.D.(y'))\]

Where \(x'\) is rank(x) and \(y'\) is rank(y).

Interpreting the Correlation Coefficient

The correlation coefficient always lies between -1 and +1 and can’t go outside of this range. Where the sign of the correlation coefficient denotes the direction of the relationship between two variables and the absolute value of the correlation coefficient indicates the strength of association between two variables. A + sign indicates the positive relationship and a - sign indicates the negative relationship. Furthermore, the closer the correlation coefficient to -1 or +1, the stronger the relationship, and as it goes toward 0 the relationship will be weaker.

How close is close enough to -1 or +1? I get too excited to see correlations beyond ±0.7. You can refer to below table while interpreting the correlation coefficient:

Interpreting the Correlation Coefficient
Correlation coefficient Meaning
-1.0 Perfect negative relationship
-0.7 Strong negative relationship
-0.5 Moderate negative relationship
-0.3 Weak negative relationship
0.0 No relationship
0.3 Weak positive relationship
0.5 Moderate positive relationship
0.7 Strong positive relationship
1.0 Perfect positive relationship

Computing Correlation Coefficient in R

In the example below, we have a table of time series data of global GDP per capita and life expectancy from 1960 to 2018. Let’s find if if a higher GDP per capita can predict a higher life expectancy, and to what extent both indicators are correlated to each other.

year life_exp gdp_pc
1960 52.57821 452.1089
1961 53.07938 464.0490
1962 53.49664 489.5471
1963 54.02187 516.6151
1964 54.69176 554.5533
1965 55.35094 591.7181
1966 56.08243 628.7388
1967 56.78712 655.8735
1968 57.38625 693.9011
1969 57.99542 749.7251
1970 58.58291 803.9466
1971 59.11015 870.4373
1972 59.59617 984.5294
1973 60.04475 1178.0889
1974 60.54026 1332.8028
1975 60.98629 1457.1544
1976 61.40832 1556.8154
1977 61.83214 1729.5263
1978 62.19287 2005.1087
1979 62.55490 2288.6660
1980 62.84117 2532.7632
1981 63.18203 2576.6880
1982 63.50846 2507.3214
1983 63.75660 2513.1282
1984 64.02116 2560.9983
1985 64.27871 2643.7584
1986 64.57943 3069.9131
1987 64.83061 3431.5807
1988 65.03467 3772.4014
1989 65.24723 3870.4130
1990 65.43349 4285.2353
1991 65.61949 4464.6543
1992 65.77051 4668.2405
1993 65.88757 4669.5816
1994 66.08953 4939.8349
1995 66.27814 5412.3441
1996 66.55982 5453.3128
1997 66.84463 5357.0692
1998 67.08683 5272.6333
1999 67.29315 5395.9428
2000 67.54925 5498.3297
2001 67.82180 5396.8919
2002 68.07043 5533.4253
2003 68.32699 6131.2232
2004 68.65235 6820.6152
2005 68.92032 7297.1534
2006 69.26243 7811.9362
2007 69.59208 8694.9003
2008 69.89930 9423.7573
2009 70.24658 8830.3069
2010 70.55621 9551.3357
2011 70.88413 10488.3340
2012 71.17172 10605.2083
2013 71.46224 10781.8553
2014 71.74238 10952.3444
2015 71.94752 10246.5074
2016 72.18048 10281.9088
2017 72.38530 10817.4819
2018 72.56006 11381.6806
2019 NA 11435.6099

First thing first, let’s plot the data points to explore if there exists any relationship between the two indicators or not, and if the data points vary together. This is done through a scatter-plot.

df %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = gdp_pc, y = life_exp)) +
  geom_point() +
  theme_bw() +
  labs(title = "GDP per capita and life expectancy, 1960-2018")
## Warning: Removed 1 rows containing missing values (`geom_point()`).

Since the points are moving from the lower-left corner to the upper-right corner. Thus, a positive relationship exists1. However, it does not indicate the extent of the relationship between the variables.

Next, the normality test should be performed to check whether the data follow a normal distribution or not. This can be tested visually through qq-plot or histogram:

qq1 <- df %>% ggplot(aes(sample = life_exp)) +
  geom_qq() + labs(y = "life expectancy")

qq2 <- df %>% ggplot(aes(sample = gdp_pc)) +
  geom_qq() + labs(y = "GDP per capita")

hist1 <- df %>% ggplot(aes(x = life_exp)) +
  geom_histogram(fill = "orange", alpha = 0.5) + labs(x = "life expectancy")

hist2 <- df %>% ggplot(aes(x = gdp_pc)) +
  geom_histogram(fill = "orange", alpha = 0.5) + labs(x = "GDP per capita")

(qq1 | qq2) / (hist1 / hist2) &
## Warning: Removed 1 rows containing non-finite values (`stat_qq()`).
## Warning: Removed 1 rows containing non-finite values (`stat_bin()`).

From the above plots it can easily be drawn that the data points do not follow a normal distribution, but the more precise way to check the normality of distribution is to use a statistical test. The shapiro.test() function performs the Shapiro-Wilk test of normality.


    Shapiro-Wilk normality test

data:  df$gdp_pc
W = 0.89361, p-value = 7.756e-05

    Shapiro-Wilk normality test

data:  df$life_exp
W = 0.9538, p-value = 0.02537

The null hypothesis in the Shapiro-Wilk test is that the data are normally distributed. Therefore, a p-value of less than the significance level, or less than 0.05 indicates the data points are not normally distributed.

After testing the assumptions, you can decide to choose either Pearson or Spearman correlation. The cor.test() function can be used for evaluating the association between variables.

cor.test(df$gdp_pc, df$life_exp, method = "pearson") 

    Pearson's product-moment correlation

data:  df$gdp_pc and df$life_exp
t = 18.088, df = 57, p-value < 2.2e-16
alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 0.8730810 0.9535685
sample estimates:
cor.test(df$gdp_pc, df$life_exp, method = "spearman")

    Spearman's rank correlation rho

data:  df$gdp_pc and df$life_exp
S = 134, p-value < 2.2e-16
alternative hypothesis: true rho is not equal to 0
sample estimates:

As shown above, both Pearson and Spearman’s correlation coefficient is above 0.9 which indicates a strong correlation between the two indicators. In other words, as GDP per capita increases life expectancy increases as well.

  1. If there exists a positive correlation, the points will be moving from the lower-left to the upper-right corner. Similarly, if there is a negative correlation, the points will be moving down from the upper-left corner to the lower right corner. In case the points are scattered and do not form any pattern, it depicts that no relationship exists between the variables.↩︎