Attacks on Healthcare Facilities

I developed this dashboard as as part of my studies at MIT Emerging Talent

Combining Histogram and Density Plot

In this post, I explore visualizing continuous variables by combining a histogram (showing the frequency of values within specific intervals) and a density plot (illustrating probability distribution)

Analyzing Multiple Response Questions

In this post you will learn how to analyze multiple response questions in R.

Read Data from Multiple Excel Sheets and Convert them to Individual Data Frames

In this post I explore different ways of reading data from multiple Excel sheets and converting them into individual data frames in R using lapply() and purrr::map() funciton.

WB Dashboard

This dashboard visualizes the economy & growth related indicators from the World Bank (WB)

A shinyapp to compare datasets

The purpose of developing this app is to compare two versions of the same dataset.

Making Predictions with Linear Regression

In this post you will learn how to build a linear regression, interpret the result, test its assumptions, and use the regression equation for predictions.

Using Survey Weight

In R working with survey weight is made possible using the `survey` package.

Combining Multiple Plots using Patchwork

In this post, I explore different ways to combine multiple ggplot plots using patchwork package to produce publication-ready plots

ggplot2: geom_histogram & facet_wrap with different vertical lines on each facet

The geom_histogram() function from ggplot2 package is used to create a histogram plot. For example, let’s plot the distribution of Sepal.Length from iris data. library(ggplot2) theme_set(theme_bw()) ggplot(iris, aes(Sepal.Length)) + geom_histogram(fill = "orange") To add a vertical line to show the mean value of Sepal.